Kuwait City

Country #65 - Kuwait

The Pinkberry

It was a very quick flight from Bahrain to Kuwait, and I had no issues upon my arrival. I walked around the airport for a short while before making my way to board my next flight. On the way, however, I saw none other than a Pinkberry out of the corner of my eye. In Kuwait of all places, I never would have guessed! I had plenty of time and needed an extra pick me up as I was running on no sleep.

I started talking with the girl who worked there, and she was so cool! She’s from the Philippines, wants to travel more, and ended up being one of my witnesses which was really helpful. I enjoyed talking with her while eating my Pinkberry. After the really pleasant surprise of my favorite frozen yogurt place I made my way to security and then found a good spot to sit for a few hours. I had about three hours until my next flight, which was unfortunately not enough to see the city, but was too long to be a quick layover.

I decided to watch a movie while I waited (Pretty in Pink) and afterwards made my way to my gate. It was pretty chaotic in the bus boarding gate area, but luckily I didn’t have to spend too much time there. Flight number two of the day would be another quick one. This time I’m headed to Qatar, also just for a few hours. It’s a busy day filled with lots of countries!

65 countries down, 131 to go.